Was i Were

Autora: Laura McKinney
Data De La Creació: 5 Abril 2021
Data D’Actualització: 1 Juliol 2024
I Was, You Were ("To Be" Past Simple Song) - Rockin’ English
Vídeo: I Was, You Were ("To Be" Past Simple Song) - Rockin’ English


les paraules was i were són la conjugació en passat de l' verb "To Be", Que podria traduir-se a el castellà com "ser" o "estar", depenent de l'context en el qual es el faci servir.

El significat de tots dos verbs (was i were) és exactament el mateix. La diferència és que s'utilitzen per a diferents persones, com es mostra a continuació:

-Si s'ho fa servir de manera afirmativa:

  • I was
  • You were
  • he was
  • We were
  • You were
  • They were

-En el cas de que l'hi faci servir per expressions negatives, L'ús és el següent:

  • I was not / I was not
  • You were not / You were not
  • He was not / He was not
  • We were not / We were not
  • You were not / You were not
  • They were not / they were not

-Per utilitzar aquest verb en preguntes, Es el formula de la següent manera:  

  • Was I?
  • Were you?
  • Was he?
  • Were we?
  • Were you?
  • Were they?

Exemples de Was i Were

  1. he was reading when I called (Ell estava llegint quan li vaig trucar).
  2. Yesterday, they were at the club playing football (Ahir eren al club jugant a futbol).
  3. I was not sleeping when she was talking (No estava dormint quan ella parlava).
  4. were not you 21 years old? (No tenies 21 anys)
  5. We were so tired that we decided to stay at home (Estàvem tan cansats que vam decidir quedar-nos a casa).
  6. he was trying to sleep when I arrived (Ell estava tractant de dormir quan li vaig trucar).
  7. I think that they were not so professional es they said (Crec que no eren tan professionals com van dir).
  8. The game was very funny (El joc era molt divertivo).
  9. We were to the club last weekend? I can not remember (¿Vam anar a el club la setmana passada? No puc recordar).
  10. They were at the supermarket this afternoon (Eren al supermercat aquesta tarda).
  11. In that Moment we were not married. That was before! (En aquell moment no estava casat. Va ser abans!)
  12. La meva mother was a teacher but then she got a better job at a company (La meva mare era mestra però després va aconseguir un treball millor en una companyia).
  13. I thought they were right but then I realized that I was committing a big mistake (Vaig pensar que tenien raó però després em vaig adonar que estava cometent un gran error).
  14. I was angry, that is why I was shouting (Estava enfadat, per això cridava).
  15. was he your boyfriend at school? You were crazy! (¿Ell era el teu nòvio a l'escola? ¡Estaves boja!).
  16. Where was he? he was at home (On era? Estava a casa).
  17. She was in the office in that Moment (Ella estava a l'oficina en aquest moment).
  18. When was John at the museum? (Quan va ser a el museu John?)
  19. were not they happy after the news? (¿No estaven feliços després de la notícia?)
  20. Why was not he there? (Per què no hi era?)
  21. was I soon? (¿Arribava d'hora?)
  22. She was sleeping in that Moment (Ella estava dormint en aquell moment).
  23. We were wrong, I know (Estàvem equivocats, ho sé).
  24. They were so happy in that city (Eren tan feliços en aquesta ciutat).
  25. You were not my friend in that Moment (No eres el meu amic en aquest moment).

Andrea és professora d'idioma, i en el seu compte de instagram ofereix classes particulars per videotrucada perquè aprenguis a parlar anglès.

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