Second Conditional a Anglès

Autora: Laura McKinney
Data De La Creació: 5 Abril 2021
Data D’Actualització: 16 Ser Possible 2024
First or Second Conditional? English Grammar Practice
Vídeo: First or Second Conditional? English Grammar Practice


El segon condicional (second conditional) S'utilitza per referir-se a situacions que no són reals en el present, i que no és molt probable que ocorrin en el futur. Per això, sol dir-se que són situacions imaginàries.

L'estructura de la frase en second conditional és:

If + verb en passat simple + would / could / might + verb

la clàusula would / could / might + verb és un temps verbal anomenat condicional simple.

Veure més: Exemples d'Conditional 0 (zero)

Exemples de second conditional

  1. If I were taller, she would like me. (Si fos més alt, li agradaria.)
  2. If I won the lottery, I would buy my dream house. (Si guanyés la loteria, compraria la casa dels meus somnis.)
  3. If she lost weight, the dress would fit. (Si perdés pes, el vestit li quedaria bé.)
  4. If we lived in France we learned French very fast.(Si visquéssim a França aprendríem francès molt ràpid.)
  5. If they were in our place, they would do the same thing. (Si estiguessin al nostre lloc, farien el mateix.)
  6. If I had children, I would teach them to dance. (Si tingués fills, els ensenyaria a ballar.)
  7. If we did not have to go to school, we could go to the match. (Si no haguéssim d'anar a l'escola, podríem anar a el partit.)
  8. If she were your friend, you would tell her the truth. (Si fos la teva amiga, li diries la veritat.)
  9. If you did not watch so much televisió you would do better at school. (Si no miressis tanta televisió t'aniria millor a l'escola.)
  10. If you paid more attention to your grandmother, she would be happier. (Si li prestessis més atenció a la teva àvia, ella estaria més contenta.)
  11. If I started swimming my back would stop Hurting. (Si comencés a nadir, deixaria de fer-me mal l'esquena.)
  12. If they were our children, we would let them go to the park. (Si fossin nostres fills, els permetríem anar a el parc.)
  13. If you made a movie, you could tell the story of your life. (Si fessis una pel·lícula, podries explicar la història de la teva vida.)
  14. If it was not raining we could go for a run. (Si no estigués plovent podríem sortir a córrer.)
  15. If I had more money I would buy a bigger car. (Si tingués més diners compraria un acte més gran.)
  16. If I had a younger brother I would teach him to play basketball. (Si tingués un germà menor li ensenyaria a jugar a el bàsquet.)
  17. If your friends were in town we could have a party. (Si els teus amics estiguessin a la ciutat, podríem fer una festa.)
  18. If she was taller she would not wear high heels. (Si fos més alta no faria servir tacs alts.)
  19. If you paid your Taxes in time, you would not have these problems. (Si pagaràs teus impostos a temps no tindries aquests problemes.)
  20. If they worked harder they would get better results. (Si treballessin més durament tindrien millors resultats.)

Veure més: Exemples Oracions en Present Perfecte a Anglès

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